10 February 2022
Function - strcmp()
Function - strcat()
Function - strcpy()
Function - strlen()
Function - puts()
Function - gets()
String User Input
09 February 2022
Print Address of Three Dimensional Array
// Print the address of three dimesional array in increasing order
Array Multiple Table Using Functions.
Array Of Multiple Table
08 February 2022
Table Of Numers Using Array
Print Number Table By Taking User Input.
05 February 2022
Multiplication Table Using Array
Write a program to create an array of 10 integers and store a multiplication table of 5.
Multidimensional Array
Write a program which takes the marks of five students for three subjects and Displays them on the screen.
02 February 2022
Arryas With Pointers
Arrays Input With the Help Of Pointers --->
01 February 2022
Array Input Using Loops
Write a program to accept the marks of five students in an Array and print them to the screen.
Pointer To Pointer
Write a Program to print the value of a variable 'i' by using "Pointer to Pointer" type variable.
Write a program using a Function that calculates the Sum And Average of two numbers.
Use pointers and print the value of Sum and Average in main ().
31 January 2022
Print Address of variable Using Pointers
Question :
Write a program to print the address of a variable. Use this address to get the value of this variable.